Barru Has Started Arrival of International Travelers, Musmuntahar Syam, ST : This is Proof That New Tourist Destinations Have Entered The International Promotion List

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Selasa, 21 Juni 2022 - 11:48 WITA

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MR-BARRU, SOUTH SULAWESI | Backpackers or cross-country travelers between continents continue to arrive in waves to tourist destinations in Barru Regency, some of which come from England, Sweden, and Australia.

About a month ago, Kasia from Poland enjoyed the traditional “Massampa” rice harvest in Palakka Village and took the time to visit Lasonrai Beach, Awerangnge.

Furthermore, Jossefine from Sweden, a Beautiful Traveler who took the time to plant a tree with his name on Ujung Batu Beach before enjoying the Sunset at Maddo Hill, Saturday (17/6/2022).



Acting Head of the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports, Musmuntahar Syam, ST, who continues to serve and help these backpackers with their team, to find locations and atmosphere according to the list of destinations, calls this the accumulation of tourism promotions and a positive image of Barru.

“The arrival of this International Traveler is proof that Barru Kita has been included in the list of internationally promoted tourist destinations, every backpacker who comes, it’s not necessarily or coincidentally, they have researched from the beginning what destinations are worthy of being included in their visit list, “said the Secretary of the Tourism Office who is familiarly called  Mr. Munta

He then explained and provided data on backpackers who came to Barru in the last few months and their collaboration with the Indonesian Guides Association (HPI).

“They are regional guests, we collaborate with strategic tourism partners, friends at HPI, and I hope the community and the community are prepared for something like this, because foreign tourist visits will certainly return with souvenirs, at least the impression is that the people of Barru are open. with a difference and a safe and comfortable place to travel,” he hoped.

He mentioned the desire to involve the local community in creatively preparing souvenirs and having a scenario for cultural performances if they receive regional guests or are visited by such tourists from time to time.

“The previous week there was also Miss Catherine, an English Adventurer who, after eating oysters at Lajari, continued to listen to Kacapi in Maddo, continued mappadendang and captured the Sere Api Dance at Gattareng, it almost coincided with the visit of Mr. Daryl Calvert who brought his family on a yacht. Mini) and drop anchor on Dtungan Island, then follow the land of Nepo at the Habibie and Bujung Makkatoangnge Mosques,” he explained. (Irsam_mr)

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